Lynsey Lim, founder of Handmade Heroes.

Founder, Handmade Heroes

Lynsey Lim

Just like the brand name “Handmade Heroes”, founder Lynsey Lim soldiered on as the true hero behind the success of the natural skincare brand. Back when there were not much affordable natural skincare products on the market, Lynsey started experimenting with simple, natural ingredients in her kitchen and soon enough, she propelled this experiment of hers forward and is now serving on a larger scale, with the brand being the number 1 selling lip scrub brand on Inspired by Asian beauty practices, the brand’s popularity soared organically as it captured the hearts of young consumers who appreciate the brand’s transparency in producing natural, clean and and sustainable products. Handmade Heroes products are GMP and Halal certified as she believes in making honest products that are accessible and inclusive for all, regardless of skin color, size or gender.